It’s All About Perspective

Start attracting the things you want by changing your vibration. When you raise your vibration the people around you start to harmonize and want to match your vibration. And the more positive your vibration – the more you keep attracting the reflection of that vibe into your life.


Here are my 5 steps to changing your perspective and changing your life.

  1. When life throws you a curveball, don’t dwell on it. Try and see things from a different angle.
  2. Do NOT react. When you react – you lose. Breath, walk away, hang up whatever you have to do to get yourself centered and grounded and come back to it. Nothing gets solved when in the heated moment.
  3. Sleep on it. There is always room for some time. Don’t be so quick to give an answer. Sleep on your choice which will allow you and your heart to process the best possible solutions.
  4. If someone is throwing daggers at you, and being mean do not respond. Feeding this will only make the fire grow. Realize that what you are getting projected onto yourself is just a mirror image of what is going on in that person’s world. This too shall pass.
  5. Find more stillness. If you do not, your brain will be so full of the monkey chatter you can’t get through any creative ideas because you are constantly in battle. If stillness for you is taking a long drive, a hike, swimming, biking, yoga, mediation – then do more of that. You owe it to your soul.


Create a healthy home that feels as beautiful as it looks.

Thank you for your time, please share this post and help spread the word,

Love, Believe, Succeed



Michelle Jackson


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